How do I redeem (sell) my investments? (SG)

How to sell or redeem your investments on the Endowus platform

How to withdraw cash from your account on the Endowus platform

How long do redemptions take?

Actual redemption amount

Full redemptions


How to sell or redeem your investments on the Endowus platform

Log in to your Endowus account > Go to Invest | Redeem | Transfer > Select Redeem.

How to withdraw cash from your account on the Endowus platform

Log in to your Endowus account > Go to Invest | Redeem | Transfer > Select Withdraw cash.

How long do redemptions take?

For Cash Redemptions: Generally, a redemption order confirmed before 12:30 PM on a valid business day will be executed by UOB Kay Hian, our partner broker, on the same day (T). You should expect to receive your redemption proceeds in approximately 3-5 business days. 

When you redeem your cash investments, you can choose to transfer the redemption proceeds to the Cash Balance of your Endowus account or a bank account under your own name.

Kindly note that withdrawals may take an additional 1-2 days to be credited to your linked bank account. 

Cash Redemptions.png

For CPF-OA/SRS Redemptions: Generally, a redemption order confirmed before 8:30 AM on a valid business day will be executed by UOB Kay Hian, our partner broker, on the same day (T). You should expect to receive your redemption proceeds in your CPF-OA/SRS Agent Bank account in approximately 5-7 business days.

CPFOA:SRS Redemptions.png

*Please note that there are funds that are exceptions to this and their trading price will vary.

Valid business day: Your trades are executed on a best-effort basis on a valid business day, which excludes Singapore public holidays and Fund Holidays (as declared by the individual Fund Managers).

Kindly note that for CPF redemptions, the proceeds will be credited back to your CPF-IA. If you have not had any transactions for 2 consecutive months, your CPF-IA the agent bank will automatically transfer the cash balance from your CPF-IA to your CPF-OA. Alternatively, you can request for the agent bank to transfer the funds to your CPF-OA at any time.

Are there any withdrawal fees or penalties?

There are no withdrawal charges or transaction fees for SGD cash transfers via FAST. Endowus has no lock-in period so you can withdraw your investments at any time.

Redeemable Value

The Redeemable Value excludes investment transactions that have not settled completely. If you have any investment transaction that is “Processing”, you will not be able to redeem the investment until the transaction's status is "Completed".

Actual Redemption Amount

The actual redemption amount that you receive may differ from your input amount. When you confirm a redemption order, our system will calculate the number of units to redeem based on the latest available Net Asset Value (NAV), or 'trading price', at the time of the redemption request.

Example of redemption for a single fund: You confirm a $3,000 redemption order at 10AM on 2 July (a business day) for Fund X. If Fund X's latest NAV is $10 on 1 July, our system will calculate that we should redeem 300 units of Fund X. When your redemption is sent to UOBKH at 12:30PM on 2 July, they will generally execute your redemption on the same business day. If the closing NAV of Fund X is $11 on 2 July (all redemptions will be executed at the same NAV on that day), then you will receive $3 300 (300 units x $11 NAV).

Full Redemption

If we are still processing the charging of the quarterly Endowus Fee, then you can only make a partial redemption request of up to 90% of your redeemable value.

If you make a full redemption, we will cancel any pending (uninitiated) transactions or scheduled recurring transactions associated with this goal.

How is the Endowus Fee charged when you do a full redemption: If you fully redeem all your investments in a goal portfolio before the end of a calendar quarter, we will only charge the Endowus Fee on a pro-rata basis of your daily average investment value.


Please click here to see the list of funds that are exceptions and trade differently from the majority of our funds


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