Featured Articles
Knowledge Base
- Where are the securities custodised? (SG)
- How does Two-Factor Authentication (2-FA) work for my Endowus account and what do I need to know? (SG)
- What safeguards does Endowus have in place to ensure that my assets are protected from fraud? (SG)
- How secure is your website and my information with Endowus? (SG)
- Do you share my information with anyone else? (SG)
Account Opening
- How do I open an account? (SG)
- What supporting documents are required to update my account information? (SG)
- I live in Singapore but I'm not Singaporean or a Permanent Resident. Can I open an Endowus account? (SG)
- Can I set up a joint account? (SG)
- Does Endowus open accounts for US citizens or US-based person? (SG)
- What is the Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA) for Retail Investors? (SG)
- See all 9 articles
- Fee change for Cash Management Portfolios from 1 May 2024
- How much will I pay in fees? (SG)
- What is the Endowus Fee and how is it calculated? (SG)
- What are Fund-Level fees? (SG)
- What are trailer fees? (SG)
- Am I still charged the annual Endowus Fee even if I haven't used the Endowus platform for the whole year? (SG)
- See all 7 articles
Accredited Investors
Investing my SRS
Investing my CPF-OA
- How do I link my CPF Investment Account and SRS Account to my Endowus account? (SG)
- How can I invest my CPF-OA monies with Endowus? (SG)
- How much of my CPF-OA can I invest? (SG)
- Is it safer to leave my money in CPF where my returns are guaranteed as compared to investing through Endowus? (SG)
- How do I link my CPF Investment Account (CPF-IA) to my Endowus Account? (SG)
- How do I open a CPF Investment Account (CPF-IA)? (SG)
- See all 12 articles
General Questions
- How do I create my first investment? (SG)
- How do I set up investments (one-time and recurring)? (SG)
- What is the minimum age to open an account? (SG)
- Does Endowus have an initial minimum investment and account size? (SG)
- How long do Cash / CPF-OA / SRS investments take to complete? (SG)
- Unit Trusts vs ETFs: What are their differences? (SG)
- See all 12 articles
Investing in Foreign Currencies
Private Market and Hedge Funds
- How do I create an private market or hedge fund investment goal?
- Can I invest in private market or hedge funds with Endowus? (SG)
- How long do the subscription and redemptions of private markets and hedge funds investments take? (SG)
- What are the Endowus Fees for Private Markets and Hedge Funds? (SG)
Choosing the Right Investments
- CX Bot Disclosure (SG)
- How do I know which portfolio suits my needs? (SG)
- How do I find out the NAV of a fund? (SG)
- How does Endowus quantify a fund’s risk rating? (SG)
- What is the difference between Endowus Core Portfolios and Endowus Satellite Portfolios? (SG)
- Should I invest in Endowus Advised Portfolios or Endowus Fund Smart? (SG)
- See all 9 articles
How We Manage Your Money
- How did you design my portfolio and the asset allocation? (SG)
- Why does Endowus recommend portfolio changes and how do they work? (SG)
- Why did you choose Dimensional Fund Advisors? (SG)
- Why did you choose PIMCO? (SG)
- Why is the target asset allocation for my CPF portfolio different from my other investments working towards this goal? (SG)
About Flagship Portfolios
About ESG Portfolios
- What is ESG investing? (SG)
- How do I invest in Endowus ESG portfolios on the Endowus platform? (SG)
- What is the difference between ESG investing, sustainable investing and impact investing? (SG)
- What are the differences between ESG/SRI ETFs and ESG investing in unit trusts? (SG)
- How do you design and manage the ESG portfolio and asset allocation? (SG)
- What is the difference between Endowus Flagship Portfolio vs Endowus ESG Portfolio? (SG)
- See all 7 articles
About Factor Portfolios
- What is the Endowus Factors Portfolio? What is a ‘factors’ investing strategy? (SG)
- How do I invest in the Factors Portfolio on the Endowus platform? (SG)
- What is the difference between Endowus Flagship, ESG and Factors portfolios? (SG)
- How is the Factors Portfolio managed as a discretionary portfolio? (SG)
About Income Portfolios
About Satellite Portfolios
About Cash Smart Portfolios
- Is there a minimum initial investment and minimum transaction size for Cash Smart? (SG)
- What are the risks of investing in Cash Smart? (SG)
- How do I invest in Cash Smart on the Endowus platform? (SG)
- How do Cash Smart Secure, Enhanced and Ultra generate potential yields? How are the projected yield ranges calculated? (SG)
- How do I receive the gains from Cash Smart? (SG)
- How do I switch from one Cash Smart portfolio to another? (SG)
- See all 13 articles
About Fund Smart
- What do I need to do to make a Unit Trust Transfer to Endowus?
- Net Asset Value and Cross Pricing
- What are the benefits of transferring my unit trust holdings into Endowus Fund Smart?
- How do I transfer unit trust investments over to my Endowus account?
- How do I buy a single fund? (SG)
- How do I build a customised portfolio with multiple funds? (SG)
- See all 11 articles
Deposit Cash
- What does the Investment Value or Redeemable Value of my account reflect? (SG)
- How does Endowus calculate performance and what return metrics do we use? (SG)
- How can I see my portfolio performance and the returns I should expect? (SG)
- How does Endowus calculate representative historical performance?
Transfer Between Goals
Redeem & Withdraw
- How do I transfer cash into my Endowus account to fund my investment?
- Can I have multiple goals and portfolios? (SG)
- How do I modify goal or change investment portfolio? (SG)
- Why is my portfolio allocation different from the target allocation? (SG)
- How do I make changes to my recurring investments? (SG)
General Questions
Monthly Statements
Technical Issues
Updating Account Information
- What proofs are required for updating my Source of Wealth / Source of Funds? (SG)
- I forgot my password, how can I reset it? (SG)
- How do I change my address? (SG)
- How do I change the mobile number linked to my account? (SG)
- How can I change my user email address for my Endowus account? (SG)
- How do I close my account? (SG)
- See all 7 articles