Yes, you can have multiple goals and portfolios on the Endowus platform. Every individual's life ambitions are unique and may require different investment plans. You can log into your account and go to Add Goal on the sidebar.
Each of your goals will receive its own systematic advice, intelligent rebalancing, and automated investment schedules, and are managed seamlessly on one platform. You can choose to view each portfolio individually to see how it is working towards your goal, or view all your goals and portfolios holistically.
How to create an investment goal:
About Endowus
Who is Endowus, our background, security, mission and more
Investment Solutions
What investment solutions are available, How to choose between different portfolios, and more
Get Started
How do I open an account, Endowus fees, accredited investor and more
Initial Investments
How to make Cash, CPF and SRS Investments
Manage Investments
Set up recurring investments, redeem investments, transfer between portfolios, rebalance portfolio
Account Settings
Update personal information, troubleshoot tech issues, make referrals
CPF, SRS, Fees, Investing, GST