How do I transfer cash into my Endowus account to fund my investment?

There are a few ways in which you can fund a one-time or recurring investment.

  • If you're utilising eGIRO to fund your investment

If you choose to fund your investment via eGIRO, we will automatically pull the necessary funds from your linked bank account to fund the investment order. No transfer of cash is necessary on your end. And, unlike a bank transfer, the funds will be earmarked for that specific investment you've created.

To fund recurring investments via eGIRO:

  • If you're transferring cash from a bank account

Please ensure that you're transferring your funds from a bank account that is in your own name to your Endowus Account (see the fund transfer instructions here) & create a cash investment order in your Endowus Account.

Please note that should you opt to transfer cash from a bank account, you cannot earmark a deposit for a specific portfolio; there is no individual reference code assigned to each of your goals. Each Endowus account is assigned one unique HSBC virtual account for receiving deposits.

If you make a cash deposit before creating an investment order: Once your deposit reaches your Endowus account, the money will appear in your Uninvested Cash Balance of your Endowus account.

If you create an investment order before making a cash deposit: Once your deposit reaches your Endowus account, our system will direct the money to process your cash investment order.

For bank transfers, the way our platform works is that we execute investment orders in chronological order. You can check the chronological order of your investment orders on your Activity page. We will execute the investments in the order by which you created them (i.e. First In First Out).

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