What are the benefits of transferring my unit trust holdings into Endowus Fund Smart?

1. Lowest achievable fund fees in the market, with up to 65%* fee savings.

  • 100% Cashback on trailer fees. 0% sales charges. 0% transaction fees.
  • Unrivalled access to lower cost institutional share class funds, as compared to other platforms which charge more on the retail share class.
  • Enjoy hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings by making the transfer.

* "Save up to 65% on fees” is calculated by comparing fees of common retail ISINs (AI ISINs are not included) on Endowus against other platform/distributor(s). The fee calculations include 100% Cashback on trailer fees and are exclusive of Endowus fees. Calculations are as of April 2024.

2. Access to the world’s top investors

  • These institutional share class funds are not normally available to retail investors at other distributors, and are typically half the cost, hence allowing us to bring costs down to the lowest levels achievable.
  • Our funds are picked by experts, and managed by experts. Every strategy is SMART+ curated by the Endowus Investment Office for performance, cost, investment process, and more.

3. Assistance from licensed experts

More Details on Unit Trust Transfers

What are the funds available for unit trust transfers?

  • You can view all our funds here.

Which funding source is this available for?

  • Cash only, and not CPF or SRS
  • If you're looking to move your CPF OA and SRS investments to Endowus, please reach out to us at support@endowus.com

What is the minimum transfer value?

  • The minimum transfer amount is set at S$10,000 per fund. For exceptions, please email us at support@endowus.com.

Can I transfer to any funds that are available in Singapore?

  • If the fund is already on the Endowus Fund Smart platform, there are no issues.
  • If the Fund is not on the Endowus platform,
    • (if it is a different share class) For new share classes to be onboarded, they will follow the monthly cadence we have in place.
    • (if it is a new Fund) Our Investment Office will need to go through the SMART+ screening process before we decide to onboard the fund.
    • Please note that the onboarding of new funds is done on a discretionary basis.

Can I make the transfer for Accredited Investor (AI) funds?

  • Only Endowus-validated AI clients can transfer in AI funds.
  • If you would like to opt in as an AI, please find the form here

How long does it take to transfer my funds from other banks/distributors?

  • The whole process can take 2 weeks or more, depending on the processing speed of the bank/distributor. On average, we see that the time taken is 6-8 weeks. 

After transferring my Unit Trust holdings to Endowus, am I able to transfer to other platforms?

  • At the moment, this is not possible, but you can liquidate your positions at any time on the Endowus Fund Smart platform.

To find out more, chat with us via:

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