What is Endowus' relationship with UOB Kay Hian? (SG)

When you create an Endowus account, we will create a trust account in your name at UOB Kay Hian, one of Asia's largest brokerage firms. This ensures the safety of your cash and securities (read more: 'Security and Safety of your Assets' by Endowus), as all your assets are custodised in a segregated account under your name with UOB Kay Hian.

Administratively, you can view your portfolios and execute all transactions on the Endowus platform, while your transactions are processed by UOB Kay Hian. The brokerage or custodial services provided by UOB Kay Hian are part of our all-in Endowus Fee. You may also view the same set of statements in your Endowus Account on your UTrade platform – please refer to “Where can I see my monthly statements?” for more information.

If you decide to close your Endowus account, we will automatically close your UOB Kay Hian trust account after you have withdrawn all the investments from your Endowus account.

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